9 Strategies to get off Autopilot and Live More Consciously


Do your life your life unconsciously? By that I mean, do you live your life on autopilot?

Have you developed routines and habits that allow you to do whatever it is you need to do without consciously thinking about it?

You get up, follow your morning routine, go to work – even if it is just going into the next room. You do the same things at work you do every day, come home, eat and relax with a book or in front of the TV before going to bed. You wake up the next day and do it all again.

Everyone has habits. Habits for what you do and how you think. Habits are easy because they ARE habits.

But what if you want something different? How will you be able to have that new thing when you are already so busy? You need to create space in your life and time in your schedule so that you can actually accomplish, have or get that new thing.

The things that you really want in your life – things that make you feel fulfilled, are often pushed aside when we are living on autopilot.

If you want to change your life, you need to ensure you have the time to do those things that make your feel fulfilled. It is possible to get off autopilot and free up time for what truly matters to you.

Try these 9 strategies to create space in your life and time in your day.

1. Be clear on your focus. Knowing exactly what you want to accomplish in the next week, month, or year will allow you to focus on things that will get you closer to your goals. It might be to increase your skill on the computer or become a better listener. To accomplish wonderful things or create an amazing life you need to be conscious and aware of them.

2. Create your task list every day. At the end of your day, take a few minutes to determine what you are going to spend your time on the following day. Make sure you include things that align with your focus and meet your short-term needs and long-term goals.

3. Good is good enough. Progress is more important than perfection. Think about it. Making something perfect takes a long time. It’s really another form of procrastination. It is a way to avoid something that makes you uncomfortable – maybe releasing it to the world or starting another task – anything that takes you off autopilot and outside your comfort zone.

4. Assess progress often. When you evaluate what you are doing you are being conscious and aware. Definitely not on autopilot. Take the time to evaluate your progress and activity at least every day if not a couple of times a day. Consider how you are spending your time and if there was a more effective task you could be doing. Being busy doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re accomplishing anything meaningful.

5. Have a singular focus. Multitasking is inefficient as shown by numerous studies. Being good at multitasking doesn’t mean that it’s the best thing to do. Usually multitasking involves going on autopilot. Give the current task you are working on your full attention before moving on to the next.

6. Be aware of how you waste time. Consider and, more importantly, track what you do you do when you procrastinate or when you’re bored. Is it social media, television, web surfing, or texting that drops you into a deep, dark hole of time wasters? Be aware of how you waste your time so that you can stop yourself. The sooner you’re able to stop, the less time you will waste.

7. Learn to say “no.” We love to please others and we hate disappointing them. Saying no is a way of respecting yourself, your time and your priorities. Be helpful but not at the expense of your own priorities and stress levels.

8. Schedule time for your dreams. Most of us fail to schedule things that are not related to work or appointments. To realize your dreams, you need to make sure you have time to create them. For example, if your dream is to write a book, schedule time to actually sit down and write.

9. Declutter your headspace. Stop the activities, thoughts, and ideas that take up time or energy that don’t provide you with something in return. Habits of thought put you on autopilot. Be consciously aware of your thoughts and ensure they are benefiting you and want you truly want.

Don’t live your life on autopilot, squandering your time and your life away. Instead, life a life of conscious purpose and meaning – whatever that looks like for you.

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